The following five companies are dealing with the challenge of managing a product portfolio, catering to
diverse customer segments across international territories. Each company manager is tasked with prioritizing
specificfocus areasand allocatingresourcesto overcome challenges.
Company A: A grocery store chain frequently offers special promotions and discounts, significantly
affecting ordering patterns. Thesevolatile pricesmake it challenging to maintain aconsistent revenue
stream. Company B: A growinge-commercebusiness experiencing increasedshipping costsdue to the rapid
expansion of product offerings and customer base. To maintain profitability, they need toreduce costs.
Company C: Acustom-made furniture manufacturerfacingorder processing delays, leading to
longer lead timesandincreased customer complaints.
Company D: Amanufacturer of high-demand electronic gadgetsexperiencing demandexceeding
supply, requiring order rationing. Customers are frustrated due toerrors in the rationing systemand
have attempted togame the system.
Company E: Aglobal electronics manufacturerstruggling to manage itscomplex supply chainacross
multiple regions. The company needs to leveragetechnologyto improve efficiency and reduce
operational costs.
Q: For Company E, what recommended action should the company manager take?
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