Free HashiCorp Consul-Associate Exam Questions

Absolute Free Consul-Associate Exam Practice for Comprehensive Preparation 

  • HashiCorp Consul-Associate Exam Questions
  • Provided By: HashiCorp
  • Exam: HashiCorp Certified: Consul Associate
  • Certification: HashiCorp Networking Automation
  • Total Questions: 174
  • Updated On: Nov 26, 2024
  • Rated: 4.9 |
  • Online Users: 348
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  • Question 1
    • Stephen is using Consul for service discovery, but he also wants to store data in the Consul K/V for application variables that need to be retrieved at runtime. However,
      the application is currently architected to read data directly from a local file, not from a remote K/V service like Consul.
      What Consul feature can Stephen use to retrieve data from Consul without re-architecting the application?

      Answer: A
  • Question 2
    • You have created a new gossip encryption key using consul keygen and installed it using the command consul keyring -install
      However, when you try and delete the original gossip encryption key, you receive an error. Based on the error message below, what steps need to be taken in order to be
      able to remove the old gossip encryption key?
      1. $ consul keyring -remove /d+jMNoQWICjMvddXJXzyGPDWiEOFgApvUJcuPRcves=
      3. ==> Removing gossip encryption key...
      4. error: Unexpected response code: 500 (12 errors occurred:
      5. * WAN error: 5/5 nodes reported failure
      6. * CONSUL-NODE-A.dc-1: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      7. * CONSUL-NODE-C.dc-1: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      8. * CONSUL-NODE-B.dc-1: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      9. * CONSUL-NODE-D.dc-1: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      10. * CONSUL-NODE-E.dc-1: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      11. * dc-1 (LAN) error: 5/5 nodes reported failure
      12. * CONSUL-NODE-E: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      13. * CONSUL-NODE-A: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      14. * CONSUL-NODE-D: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      15. * CONSUL-NODE-B: Removing the primary key is not allowed
      16. * CONSUL-NODE-C: Removing the primary key is not allowed

      Answer: A
  • Question 3
    • What command can be used for new Consul agents to become a member of an existing cluster?

      Answer: A
  • Question 4
    • When storing data in the Consul K/V, what type of nodes will replicate the Consul K/V data to ensure high availability.

      Answer: C
  • Question 5
    • You need to deny communication between the customer-db service and the payment service using an intention. You open the command line and issue the following
      $ consul intention create customer-db payment
      However, the two services can still initiate new connections even after the intention is created. What would explain this?

      Answer: A
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