Maxis Ltd reported Earnings Per Share of Rs 2.10 in 1993, on which it paid dividends per share of Rs 0.69. Earnings are expected to grow 15% a year from 1994 to 1998, during which period the dividend payout ratio is expected to remain unchanged. After 1998, the earnings growth rate is expected to drop to a stable 6%, and the payout ratio is expected to increase to 65% of earnings. The firm has a beta of 1.40 currently, and it is expected to have a beta of 1.10 after 1998. The Risk Free Rate of Return is 6.25%.
What is the value of the stock, using the two-stage dividend discount model?
Depending on how questions are asked, ___________ can cause investors to communicate responses to questions about risk tolerance that are either unduly conservative or unduly aggressive.
Mr. Sharma is aged 50 years at present. He has invested some amount in an annuity which will pay him after 10 years Rs. 25,000/- p.a. at the beginning of every year for 10 years. Rate of interest is 6% p.a. Calculate how much amount he has invested now?
Amit an industrialist wants to buy a flat in a housing society presently costing Rs. 35,00,000/- after 6 years. The cost of the house is expected to increase by 15% p.a for the first 3 years and by 10% in the remaining years. Amit wants to start a SIP with monthly contributions in Birla Front Line Equity Mutual Fund to pay for the down payment of the house which would be 25% of the house value at that time. You as a CWM expect that the fund would give ROI of 14% p.a. compounded monthly in the next 10 years. Please advise Amit the monthly SIP amount starting at the beginning of every month for the next 6 years to fulfill his goal of buying the Flat he desires.