You are testing a payment processing application that calls an external service at a bank to process monetary
transactions. The bank charges per transaction for the use of their service. You are creating an automation
suite that will be used as part of continuous testing. How could service virtualization benefit the project if a
virtualized service is created that will act in the same way as the bank application?
You are an experienced tester on an Agile team that is producing a new application. The product backlog has
been refined sufficiently to begin development for the first release. This stories in this backlog contain a
mixture of functional and non-functional requirements, as well as some technical stories that will provide
elements of the application's infrastructure The developers have decided to use TDD as a deveiopment
approach but automation of the acceptance tests is not yet planned.
You have been asked to recommend whether or not the team should take an atdd approach as well as TDD.
what would be the BEST recommendation in these circumstances?
You are testing a large e-commerce system for household goods that is being implemented using Agilemethodologies You are currently working on deriving tests for stories that are implementing the followingepic.As a customer I want to use the e-commerce system, so that I can have my purchased goods delivered to myhouse.The story you are currently working on is:As a customer I want to be told when my items will be delivered, so I can plan to be home.You have been given the following charter that was proposed by another tester for testing this storyLogin as a customer, buy enough of each item to qualify for free shipping for each item checkout and verifythat no shipping fee has been added.What is the main flaw in this charter?