You are the Facility Manager for a large European banking institution that wants to develop a regional corporate office complex in small Asian country in order to leverage that country's recent economic growth. The country is known to have economic fluctuations. What provision will you include in your master real estate plan to accommodate unpredictable fluctuations in that country's economy?
In a factory area, workers assembling small sensing devices complain of headaches towards the end of their shifts. The facility manager assesses the area and notes that the lighting primarily comes from banks of fluorescent lighting, positioned above the assembly areas, well above the workers’ heads. The light is very bright and reflects off work surfaces. Which of the following tactics to improve lighting should the facility manager recommend to Operations?
A facility manager describes an HVAC maintenance issue in a linear and logical manner. The customer listens and talks freely, mixing logic and emotion. Any misunderstanding between the two is most likely due to